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Webinar Videos

Missed the business resilience workshops at 3Mile? Catch up on the content here.

21 July : Managing Staff Through Uncertainty: Tracey and Alyn Higgins, specialist employment consultants from ALH Consulting.

Managing Staff Through Uncertainty

First in the Business Resilience series - in this seminar we reviewed your responsibilities as an employer during times of crisis and refreshed your memory on managing changes to employment conditions. Check out the MindTools article Tracey refers to on the four stages of coping with change here.

24 July: Building a Storm Fund/Capital buffer Nickie Sheehan, Trio Accounting

Creating a Storm Fund

Nickie Sheehan (Trio) talks through simple steps to create a ‘Storm Fund’ - enough working capital to see you through a crisis. She explains how to determine how much you need, the process you should take to make it happen and the time to start (hint, that’s NOW!) The resource she mentions is the Barefoot Investor.

Knowing when to Stop

Heath Gair (Palliser Insolvency) talks without jargon, taking us through the process a business owner might go through once the cashflow forecasts suggest that it's not time to pivot, but to put it to bed. Key takeaways - its a process, focus on what you can control, executing a 7/10 plan is better than waiting for the 10/10.. Download the slides here

7 August: Knowing when to stop/ Demystifying Insolvency Heath Gair, Palliser Insolvency

14 August: Wage Subsidies & Employment Law, AJH Consulting and Trio Accounting.

E-Commerce Essentials

Interactive session with Vernette Shapland, local ecommerce developer and web strategist at Reach Design on to how to sell online - which tools to use, how much to invest, marketing strategies to get more people looking and tips for logistics. All the sites she mentioned are linked on our Vimeo page here.

4 Sept: What businesses need to know about the Emergency Management Office

Data and Where to Find It

Bridget Gardiner spent 20+ years with Statistics NZ and is now responsible for Wairarapa Economic Development Strategy data tracking. She’ll show you where to get good, free data that you need for business decision making and how to read it. Full presentation including all the links is here

Wage Subsidies & Employment Law

Tracey and Alan Higgins (AJH Employment Consultants) and Nickie Sheehan (Trio Accounting) answer all your questions about your responsibilities as employers under the law. Tips on well being, communication/negotiation approaches and practical advice on how to plan for the end of the wage subsidy.

21 August: ECommerce Essentials, Vinnie Shapland, Reach Design.

The Emergency Management Office

Carrie McKenzie of Carterton District Council was one of the local controllers of the Emergency Management Office for Wairarapa when it was stood up during the COVID lockdown. She explains how WREMO and the EMO works (and other acronyms!) including what powers they have, what functions they cover and how businesses interact with them.

11 Sept: Data and Where to Find it. Bridget Gardiner