A Big Thank-you
3mile couldn’t exist without the hard work, financial support, donations, advice and time that these organisations have given. Please support them, they’re awesome!
Carterton District Council
We love the vision of the Carterton District Council, in particular Jane Davis, the Chief Executive and Gerry Brooking the council’s community development co-ordinator, who took the time to meet and chat with us. We have gratefully accepted sponsorship from the council as part of their commitment to economic development and business sustainability in Carterton. A massive boost to help meet the costs to launch Wairarapa’s first coworking space.
Don Luciano / Gracias Coffee
The Gracias Coffee Roastery is onsite at our cafe Don Luciano Cafe. Theis beans are roasted lovingly roasted in our Probat Roaster in small batches and fuel the 3Mile team, along with its visiting co-workers.
Paper Plus
The Paper Plus Carterton team took over operations of 3Mile from the founders in 2023 and support it ongoing to grow our coworking community.